
留学中、ミネソタ州にあるバラバラの大学に通っていたkonhoiとおのぞ。 無事今年の5月に卒業し、またバラバラの進路に進むことに。konhoiはアメリカで仕事を見つけ、おのぞは日本に帰国。どうなる!私たち!!

おのぞのセメスターアップデート 2

Tomorrow is the class registration day for the spring semester aka our final semester!


I am taking hydrology course this semster and I am not doing well. I am hoping that I did not make a disaster on the last exam but I am not sure about it.



The thing is if I could not pass the course, I have to take another science elective course which I seriously do not wanna do. 


I will focus in the class, go to office hours, and review a lot for my final. はあ、絶対にもう一個のサイエンス取りたくないわまじで。実験長いし全然好きじゃない笑






Wish me a good luck!