
留学中、ミネソタ州にあるバラバラの大学に通っていたkonhoiとおのぞ。 無事今年の5月に卒業し、またバラバラの進路に進むことに。konhoiはアメリカで仕事を見つけ、おのぞは日本に帰国。どうなる!私たち!!

How to be a happy person with yourself and friends

Hello, I’m konhoi.

Today I’m going to mention about something I just noticed and felt about my life. 

About how happy and lucky I am that I notice.


I was always thinking that I’m ok, normal, or not funny person to be with all the time.  Yes, it is not wrong. It’s true. And I was think about it too much recently because new semester starts, new students are coming, not really close friends... and so on. I was a girl who wants to be famous, has a lot of friend, and be happy with people around with me. So I was really stressed about it. Especially to see the SSN that people do something so nice and fun.  

However, I noticed that it is more than welcome to be normal person! You are not talented? Yeah it’s fine! Nobody have your life, people might judge, but if you are having happy moments, then they are going to be jealous that’s it.  I am not really good at scheduling, so whenever I made new friends, I could spend less time for each of them.  So, I did make a lot of friends for my first semester here but none of them were close to me.  I was thinking what if something happened to me and nobody think about me... what if they are not worry about me... or graduate with no friends... I concerned tons. 

One day, one of my friend who I didn’t keep in touch with called me to go out.  I didn’t have anything so I went out with him and his friend.  It was so amazing and they care about each other but not disgusting way, it was so natural and I love it.  Ended up, he sent me a message that I am his one of the best friend.  When I read that message, I was so warm and helped. I had couple similar experiences in this week.  At the same time I notice that i do not need to be hard to get a friend. To be natural, then people who like you will come to you.  I was not recognized before but people actually DO care about me, and also I DO care about them a lot.  So, this is my opinion to be happy girl, care about people who care about you a lot, and care about people who you really like, they will like you and they care about you more. Don’t fake yourself, you recognize people who is fake, at the same time they will notice as well.   Be natural. 


I wish I won’t forget this feeling happened.  


This is my life that I mean to be happy.