
留学中、ミネソタ州にあるバラバラの大学に通っていたkonhoiとおのぞ。 無事今年の5月に卒業し、またバラバラの進路に進むことに。konhoiはアメリカで仕事を見つけ、おのぞは日本に帰国。どうなる!私たち!!



さて、今回はOGC (Organic Gardening Club)のお話をしようかな。


Tomorrow I am leaving for a field trip to Iowa for two days. It's about 3 a.m., and I can't fall sleep like a kid waiting for a school trip next day lol I haven't posted any blog for about 2 months, so insted of wasting my time on Youtube …

Summer break, 1.5 months left. By Konhoi

Hola Hola~ This is Konhoi. Today is July 1st, I spent first 1.5 months of the summer break. Actually I feel much longer than 1.5 months since finals finished. I need to look back the atitude and life style that I have been. It is quite har…