
留学中、ミネソタ州にあるバラバラの大学に通っていたkonhoiとおのぞ。 無事今年の5月に卒業し、またバラバラの進路に進むことに。konhoiはアメリカで仕事を見つけ、おのぞは日本に帰国。どうなる!私たち!!

なつやすみだより by おのぞ

Hey! I feel like writing a blog in English today, so I'm gonna try it.


Tomorrow is the first opening day for the farmers market!!!

I am working as an assistant for the farmers market since last January, and tomorrow is gonna be my very first day to be at the market!!

I have been tought how things go and what my roles are, but to be honest, I am still pretty nervous. It can't be helped cus first day is always nerve racking no matter what...

I will undate you how it went and more general stuffs about the market as the season goes.


As I mentioned in our introducing blog, my major is Environmental Studies.

So you can say that I am passionate sustainability, zero waste, local food, and pretty much anything related to the environment.

And I just made a little step forward to broaden my experience here. I have always wanted to work at Office of Sustainability, particulary, working for compost system.

But I have been concerned about my English level, and I always ended up with thinking that "oh it's not for me..." 

People might say don't be afraid of making mistakes and just give a try or something like that, but working in English is not so easy. I agree with that confidence comes from practice, but sometime it might be smarter to wait until you feel you are ready. In order to be ready, you have to make efforts on something else by then, though. Of course.


Now I am becoming more confident little by little, and I went to talk to the director of the office and he was actually so happy that I reached out to him.

I might be able to at the office as well besides internships that I am doing now.


Wish me a good luck, and have a wonderful day everyone!